Useful commands and shell scripts in ~/binpls    20030901   T. Kato


1. making Q-magnet field gradient data from trace input
   selectBDLtermtrace infile
              outputfile= DTQ1table (J, Qleng-mm, T/m)

2. making DTQ current data using BDQleng at 400A excitation
        reuired file: DTQ1table and bdcurrentinput.dat
        output file is DTQ1currenttable (No Qleng-mm BDTperm currentinA)

3. trace output PLOT using gnuplot
   plotbeta3d, plotdxdy3d, plotdpdw3d, ploteta3d, plotxcyc3d,
   plotdp3d, plotdxdyxcyc3d

4. chaneg error terms of the trace input
   replaceQXYerrtrace $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
     #   $1 begin segment number in nt
     #   $2 end segment number in nt
     #   $3  new x-offset value with sign in mm
     #   $4  new y-offset value with sign in mm
     #   $5  flg of error 1 is const, -1 is random
     #   $6  input file name

5. select centroid terms from FT20 trace output file
   selectxcycFT20 $1
         $1   output file name

6. change segment number of trace-input data
   replaceSEGNUMtrace $1 $2
         $1  start segment number
         $2  input file name

       caution: if there were comment term in trace-data, use replaceNTtrace

7. pre-stage trace data
       first, do trace-run of through the linac  by runparc for creating FT19 data
       sumparaqmagtrace allnew.3d (typical input for all linac)  makes tempqmagtable: allnew.3d is trace-data for through the linac.
       tableqmagbg.exe  > qmagtableMDSA
          infiles: FT19twissall and tempqmagtable
          output: qmagtableMDSA: NSEG(J),BD(J),BG(K),BETA(K),LI(J)
       transqmagtr3dnew.exe makes output file = tempmodbgtr3ddat, then rename the output  

8. DTL-1 energy phase simulation
       shell script: rundtl1pw
       sorting and making the output values: shapewph.exe