The JHF Accelerator Advisory Committee Meeting Oct. 13 (Mon), 14 (Tue)

(Anybody is welcome, except for the executive session.)

Place: Meeting Room, Administrative Bldg.

The First Day
Oct. 13 (Mon.)

8:45 am Executive Session (Committee members only) 30 min.

9:15 am Opening
1 Welcome Address H.Sugawara (Director General, KEK) 5 min.
2 JHF Project S.Nagamiya (Director of JHF Office) 10 + 5
3 JHF Accelerator Y.Yamazaki 15 + 10

10:00 am Coffee Break

10:10 am 50-GeV Ring
1 Distinctive Features Y.Mori 15 + 10
2 Beam Optics and Dynamics S.Machida 35 + 15
3 Slow Extraction N.Tokuda/M.Tomizawa 25 + 10
4 RF System using Magnetic Alloy C.Ohmori 30 + 10

0:40 pm Lunch

1:50 pm 50-GeV Ring (continued)

5 Beam Instability Y.Chin 25 + 10
6 Magnet Power Supply M. Muto 10 + 5

@@Radiation Safety for All S. Shibata 25 + 10

3:15 pm Coffee Break

3:25 pm 3-GeV Ring
1 Distincitive Features Y.Irie 15 + 10
2 Beam Optics and dynamics K.Takayama 25 + 10
3 Space Charge Issues S. Machida 10 + 5
4 Injection and Collimators Y. Irie 20 + 10
5 RF System I C. Ninomiya 25 + 10
6 RF System II C. Ohmori 20 + 10
7 Beam Instability Y. Chin 20 + 10

6:45 pm Dinner

The Second Day
Oct. 14 (Tue)

8:45 am Executive Session (Committee members only) 30

9:15 am 3-GeV Ring (Continued)
8 Rapid-Cycling Magnet Power Supply T.Adachi 20 + 10
9 Kicker T. Kawakubo 15 + 5
10 Vacuum System Y.Saito 15 + 10

Control for All J. Kishiro 25 + 10

11:05 am Coffee Break

11:20 am 200-MeV Linac
1 Distinctive Features T.Kato 15 + 10
2 Preinjector Y.Yamazaki 25 + 10

0:20 pm Lunch

1:30 pm 200-MeV Linac (continued)
3 Beam Dynamics T.Kato 35 + 15
4 Accelerating Structures F.Naito 25 + 10
5 RF Sources S. Fukuda 25 + 10

3:30 pm Coffee Break

3:45 pm Q & A for all accelerators and beam loss problem 30

4:15 pm Executive Session (Committee members only) 60

5:15 pm Open Summary Session 60
(Impresson and Recommendation from Committee)

6:15 pm End of Meeting

Committee Members:
W. T. Weng (chair), BNL;
K. Bongardt, ESS;
M. Craddock,* TRIUMF;
I. S. K.Gardner,* RAL; S. D. Holmes, FNAL;
R. A. Jameson, LANL;
M. Mizumoto, JAERI;
S. Ohnuma, U. Houston; G. H. Rees, RAL
(The members with * will not attend the meeting this time.)