3月1- 3日に開かれたATACのレポートが出たので、リニアック部分について取り上げる。
レポート送付メイル(3月6日配信)の但し書き:IACでpresentされたATAC Reportを送ります。ただ、ATAC Reportとしては、委員の間でさらにメールなどで、推敲または議論されて最終版にするものなので、この時点で、IACに口頭でpresentされた草稿であるという理解でお願いします。
ATACのComments and Recommendationsと、それに対するコメント。The ion source remains a concern. The development of a non-cesiated tungsten filament source has had difficulty meeting the 33 mA current specification. In response a LaB6 filament is now under development. This filament provides the required current at a 150 msec pulse length, but is unstable at the required 600 msec pulse length. A stabilization system has been proposed and testing will start in roughly a week.
Recommendation: The ion source requires continuing management attention. If the LaB6 source does not meet performance specifications in the next month or two, consider alternative designs for the operation phase.The committee was not presented with a comparison between achieved (to date) beam parameters, commissioning goals, and operations goals.
Recommendation: Prepare and maintain a table of major operational parameters containing operations goals, commissioning goals, and currently achieved performance. (This recommendation applies to all machines).Residual activation levels in the vicinity of the debuncher have been measured at 88 mSv/hour. This translates into a fairly significant level when extrapolated to full power (a few mSv/hour).
筆者コメント:チューニングレベルとして、縦のチューニングはしていないのと同等のレベルだから、仕方なしか。Many of the beam diagnostic devices have been exercised, but are not yet in a state to support full characterization of the linac beam as will be required to support RCS beam commissioning starting in September. (For example BLMs, intensity monitors, and emittance diagnostics).
Recommendation: Diagnostics need to be providing reliable information by the time of RCS commissioning.The closed loop control on the rf system is still a ways from being complete and working effectively. The feedback response looks to the committee to be slower than it should. In addition the feedforward systems still need to be implemented.
筆者コメント:ビームが強くなる前にきちんとしてほしい。The committee remains concerned about noise from the pre-chopper. Since this device is not yet installed there is no further information relative to last year. We suggest continued attention to this item.
筆者コメント:この状況は2001年から変らない。この間に、どれくらいの予算を無駄に使ったのかを明らかにすべきであろう。The prototype ACS buncher module exhibits a shunt impedance that looks low to the committee. We suggest that the result be confirmed. The committee has a concern relative to non-accelerating modes in the ACS coupling cavity, and the possible impact on the structure dispersion curve.
筆者コメント:デザインというものは、メカニカルエンジニアリングとの兼ね合いで、最終的に決まるべきであろう。The committee is concerned about the development of high level applications programs to support the commissioning and operations of all machines. The development and implementation of HLAs requires close coordination between the controls group and the commissioning teams. Although there are regularly meetings between these two teams, it did not appear to the committee that a master list of required applications, accompanied by detailed specifications, manpower estimates, and assignment of responsibilities, had yet been developed.
Recommendation: Based upon the commissioning plan presented, specify the high-level physics applications needed to carry out this plan and begin development of these applications as soon as possible.ATAC レポートドラフトが4月になり配信された。リニアックに関しては、多くの部分は暫定レポートに準拠しているので、ここで新たな議論をしない。一読すれば、ここまでに建設されているリニアックハードが抱える問題点は、イオン源と前段部分に集中している事がわかる。