Welcome to T. Kato's Home page
Japanese version
Introduction (in Japanese)
Chapter 1: On the beam study in November and December 2006
- J-PARC LINAC beam study:success in DTL acceleration
- References
Chapter 2: On the beam study in January and February 2007
- J-PARC LINAC beam study:acceleration up to the design energy & some issues
- References
Chapter 3: On the 6th ATAC(2007.3.1-3)
Chapter 4: On the beam study in March 2007
- J-PARC LINAC beam study:longitudinal tuning again
- References
Chapter 5: On the beam study in April 2007
- J-PARC LINAC beam study:longitudinal tuning again:transverse tuning
- References
Chapter 6: On the beam study in May 2007
Chapter 7: On the beam study in June 2007
Chapter 8: On the J-PARC linac 400-MeV upgrade plan
Chapter 9: On the beam study since September in 2007
- Results of the maintenance work during summer
- Comments on the linac beam in ATAK08 (Feb. 2008)
Chapter LAST-1: Study results and references since 1980
Chapter LAST-2: Problems in J-PARC
Chapter LAST-3: History and Diary
- History of the development of the proton linac since 1986
- Diary of the linac design and construction :1997ー1998
Chapter LAST-4: A chronological table of the development of the J-PARC proton linac
T. Kato, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Accelerator division
e-mail: kato.takao8@gmail.com
Copyright (C) 2007- 2012 T. Kato, All rights reserved.